Tri-Dosha Mandala (Ayurveda)

Unlock the secrets of Ayurveda’s Tri-Dosha Mandala and discover a harmonious balance within yourself. Explore the rhythm of the seasons and the elemental dance of Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. From the serene embrace of winter’s Kapha to the fiery passion of summer’s Pitta, each season whispers its own tale of balance and imbalance.

The three Doshas exist in plants as they do in all nature.

Kapha Plants: Luxuriant growth, abundant leaves and sap; they are dense, heavy, succulent, and contain much water. 

Vata Plants: have sparse leaves, rough, cracked back, crooked, gnarled branches, spindly growth habits, and contain little sap. 

Pitta Plants: are bright colored with bright flowers, they are moderate in strength and sap, and the latter may be poisonous or burn its effect. 

The root and bark of plants (representing earth and water) tend to work on Kapha conditions. The flowers (as fire) tend to work on Pitta. The leaves and fruits (as air and ether) tend to work on Vata. 

Dhatus (bodily tissues) and Ojas (Semen; cream of the body)

Ayurveda categorizes herbs according to their tissues upon which they work with. It also holds a knowledge of special herbs and substances (metals and minerals) that work on the subtle tissues, including the nerve and reproductive tissues. 

The semen or reproductive tissue (that which invigorates) is the essence of all bodily tissues and contains within itself not only the power of reproduction, but also that of rejuvenation. Ojas is the essence of the body, the substance of all hormonal secretion and supports the autoimmune system. 

Seven Dhatus of the Plant

  1. The juice of the plant is its plasma.
  2. The resin of the plan is its blood.
  3. The softwood is muscle.
  4. The gum is fat.
  5. The bark is its bones.
  6. The leaves are its marrow and nerve-tissue. 
  7. The flowers and fruit are the reproductive tissue. 

The flowering trees show these tissues in their most developed state. The tree is to the plant world what the human being is to the animal kingdom.

The Dhatus of the plant work upon the corresponding Dhatusnof the human body; its juice works upon our plasma; resin upon our blood; softwood upon our muscles; gum upon our fat; bark upon our bones; leaves upon our marrow/nerves; flowers/fruit upon our reproductive organs.

The seeds of plants treat congenital disease and dysfunction by virtue of their affinity with our own seed and congenital root. 

Seven Dhatus of a Human

  1. Rasa (Plasma) – maintains functions of menstruation (Artava) in the uterus and lactation (Stanya) in the mammary glands.
  1. Rakta (Blood tissue or RBC) – maintains muscle tendons (Kandara) and blodd vessels (Sira).
  1. Mamsa (Muscle tissue) – maintains flat muscle (Snayu) and the skin (Twacha).
  1. Meda (Fat; Adipose tissue) – maintains subcutaneous fat (Vasa) and function of sweat (Sweda). 
  1. Ashthi (Bone tissue) – maintains teeth (Danta), nails (Nakha), and Hair (Kesha).
  1. Majja (Bone marrow, nerve tissue) – maintains function of lacrimal secretion (Akshivit Sneha).
  1. Shukra (Semen, reproductive tissue) – maintain function of sexual organs.

When there is a disorder in the balance of vata-pitta-kapha, the dhatus are directly affected. The disturbed dosha and defective dhatus are always directly involved in the dis-ease process. Health of the dhatus can be maintained by taking steps to keep doshas in balance through a proper diet, exercise and rejuvenation program.