Spread the Love… Volunteer!

The Benefit of volunteering is that it is good for your land, mind, body, and soul. It’s great for your mental and physical health such as increasing self-confidence, combats depression, helps you stay physically healthy at any age, new friends / family, avoid loneliness and a sense of purpose. Helping others kindles happiness and many studies have demonstrated.

Have you heard that volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, project planning, task management, organization AND and a resume builder! 

Spread the Love… Volunteer!
A call out for amazing volunteers to join us on the Land. We’re specifically looking for folks who are garden- and tech-savvy. The Land is asking us to move forward on the following projects: gardening, wood splitting, and the tipi land prep.

For those who are more of the hands-on types, we’re looking for folks who are interested in learning how to use chainsaws, wood splitters, wood chippers, and ATVs for hauling wood. Carpentry and gardening skills are always welcome!

If you are unable to attend the entire Volunteer Weekend, please do consider volunteering for the day. Every bit helps.

Your involvement as a volunteer is crucial as we strive to expand our healing and prayer services and create more opportunities for gatherings. To sign up, simply email us at voluteer@tainowoods.com with your availability. See FAQ’s for Volunteers.

If you’re looking for a more long-term commitment and want to be part of our expansion efforts, we are also seeking dedicated Team Members. Whether or not you’re able to physically be on the Land, your passion and support are valuable to us. Please email us at tainowoodsny@gmail.com to express your interest.

Together, let’s make a difference and create a space of healing, connection, and unity for all.