Taino Woods Update – February 2022

Tai Mautia from Taino Woods,
The Land:
Atabeyra is being blanketed in beautiful covers of snow. The trees have gotten these beautiful dainty layers of snow on each of their branches. Footprints of our animal relations can be seen across our walkways. The Land completely transforms every season.
Your Support:
As the physical labor of attending to Taino Woods takes a rest alongside Atabeyra, we humbly ask for your helping hand in raising money to support our expansion come Springtime. In the Spring, as the Land thaws, we will reassess our walkways and structures to ensure they are staying strong and secure; and a Taino Woods garden will be underway! The preparation of the land will be necessary for our most early seeds. Your contributions to our GoFundMe page: Taino Woods Rising will greatly help us in maintaining Taino Woods as our community gathering place. We thank you in advance.
In the Weeks to Come:
Towards the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring, be on the lookout for our next Purification Lodge Ceremony and our Purification Lodge Apprenticeship! Our Purification Lodge Apprenticeship is an exciting opportunity for those seeking to learn the traditions of this beautiful ceremony as stone catchers, fire-keepers, cedaring the lodge, and supporting tribal engagement and healing. Your participation in this Apprenticeship can prepare you as liaisons for our many purification lodges in the year ahead. For more information or to express your interest, email us at: tainowoodsny@gmail.com. We can’t wait to gather with you all once again!
For Now:
Jesse and Chantel will be on an important and exciting adventure in the next few weeks. They will be traveling to Costa Rica for an international Moon Dance Ceremony! Danza de la Luna (Moon Dance) is a spiritual gathering and ceremony in which women from all over the world come together to celebrate and honor womanhood, to transform and empower themselves, to reflect, introspect, and become the best versions of themselves. Our collective prayers bring peace, love, and healing to all of our brothers and sisters across the world. Danza de la Luna is an incredible opportunity to gather with our Earthly community in prayer and dance.
Our deepest gratitude and endless love to each and every one of you.
Han Hankatu, AHO!