Taino Woods Update – March 2021

Bomatum Family! We want to offer our heartfelt gratitude for helping us get to $3,402 so far in our efforts to raise $7,400 for our GoFundMe please continue to share the link with others on your social media or text messages. Here is the Go Fund Me link https://gofund.me/2e095285. It is also on our Tainowoods.com website. You are such a motivation to recommit every day to cultivating the land and offering healing ceremonies! It is not lost on us that these are difficult times for many, and we know that all donations were given from the heart, and we pray that your generosity is returned to you tenfold. 

Hibernation time is over, Taino Woods is thawing and the land is calling for volunteers! We have our beloved Yeny working to coordinate folks onto the land and teaming up to get Atabeyra ready for ceremony, campers, and beyond! If you haven’t already, please fill out a volunteer form on the website to show your availability and interest in helping out on the land– we could use all the hands we can get and Atabeyra welcomes the love of volunteer stewards! We plan on having six person teams, with one designated to drive, and cook, so that our volunteer teams will have tasks to be focused on and food to nourish them after a rewarding day of work. We need mostly dead trees chopped, wood cut and put away to season/dry for ceremony, and folks to help with constructing a deck and possible bridge by the river. We are so excited to have these projects done to make space for all the wonderful things that will be happening this Spring!

If you aren’t already a part of our loving Taino Woods community on Facebook, please request to join and share space with us! There you will be able to get regular updates on all things Taino Woods, Chantel and Jesse and all the contributions that our community members have to share! We also ask that if you know anyone that would benefit from community, that you please share Taino Woods with them so that we can continue to grow our Calmunity and continue to strengthen the connection to the land and one another across the planet. Han Hankatu, AHO!